The The GW8 series neutral point disconnecting switch is an outdoor device designed for use with AC 50Hz and 60Hz. It is intended to connect the neutral point of a transformer under no load conditions. The switch can be easily operated using either the CJ motor operating mechanism or the CS8 manual operating mechanism. Comprising a monopole and an operating mechanism, the GW8 series ensures smooth and hassle-free operation. The monopole includes a base, post-insulator, conductive arm, contact, and other components. The operating mechanism, whether it's the CJ motor operating mechanism or the CS8 manual operating mechanism, is crucial to the disconnecting switch process. It drives the conductive arm through the connecting rod, enabling the opening and closing of the disconnecting switch. is an outdoor device designed for use with AC 50Hz and 60Hz. It is intended to connect the neutral point of a transformer under no load conditions. The switch can be easily operated using either the CJ motor operating mechanism or the CS8 manual operating mechanism. Comprising a monopole and an operating mechanism, the GW8 series ensures smooth and hassle-free operation. The monopole includes a base, post-insulator, conductive arm, contact, and other components. The operating mechanism, whether it's the CJ motor operating mechanism or the CS8 manual operating mechanism, is crucial to the disconnecting switch process. It drives the conductive arm through the connecting rod, enabling the opening and closing of the disconnecting switch.
GGD タイプの低電圧 AC 配電開閉装置は、さまざまな配電ニーズに対応する多用途で信頼性の高いソリューションです。定格動作電圧 380V、最大電流定格 6300A の AC 50Hz 配電システムに最適であり、発電所、変電所、鉱山作業、その他のヘビーデューティ電力ユーザーにとって最適な選択肢となっています。この配電キャビネットは、安全性、効率性、適応性に重点を置いて設計されており、高い遮断容量、強力な安定性、柔軟な電気構成、便利な組み合わせオプション、実用的で斬新な構造などの幅広い機能を備えています。さらに、高レベルの保護を提供するため、低電圧開閉装置セットの理想的な代替品となります。
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